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Azerbaijan – Kazakhstan, new horizons of cooperation: event at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan – Kazakhstan, new horizons of cooperation: event at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
On March 03, 2021, a friendly meeting of representatives of the public sector, business circles and national companies of both countries was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Azerbaijan, at which they discussed the modern economic priorities of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, the state and prospects for the development of trade, economic, investment, energy and transport logistic cooperation between two friendly states. The main slogan of the meeting was: Azerbaijan – Kazakhstan, new horizons of cooperation.
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Baku Grain Terminal LLC – Idrisov Sagat spoke at the meeting, who voiced the prospects for cooperation in the field of mutual trade in agricultural products and expressed hope for an increase in the export of Kazakhstani milling wheat to the Republic of Azerbaijan and the return of Kazakhstan to its previous leading positions on this issue. The report also touched upon the need to increase sales of Bayterek brand flour produced by Baku Grain Terminal LLC from high quality Kazakh wheat.
At the end of the event, a buffet table with traditional Kazakh food was organized.